Ruth & Samuel: Part 3
Course Description
Part 3: David's Reign Over Israel / 2 Samuel: 5-24
Duration: Six Sessions
Enrollment Fee: $10
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Course Overview
The Old Testament books of Ruth and 1 and 2 Samuel describe the faith journeys of men and women like us. Sure, they may have been prophets or priests, or kings—but they were also sons and daughters, husbands and wives, fathers and mothers. They struggled in the same ways we do. They experienced deferred hopes and dreams, broken relationships, shameful failures and personal trauma, just as we do. It’s what they did with those disappointments that matters. In this study, you will see people who took their pain and anger to God—and those who did not. And in either case, you will see how God remained faithful.
This study is divided into three six-session courses.
Part 1: The Rise of Israel's Monarchy / Ruth and 1 Samuel: 1-15
Part 2: God Calls a New King / 1 Samuel: 16 through 2 Samuel: 4
Part 3: David's Reign Over Israel / 2 Samuel: 5-24
Meet the Teachers
Nina lives in Landenberg, PA with her husband, Chris, and sassy cat, Pickles. They have three sons who live and work or go to school in other states, which affords Nina and Chris many opportunities for family connection as well as fuels their love of travel. Nina also loves to read, connect with friends, and has recently jumped on the pickleball bandwagon.Show less
Natalie has served in Community Bible Study in various roles, most recently as a Teaching Director and Area Director in Alabama. CBS has been an integral part of the Word of God changing her life as she learned to study it. She is grateful to be a daughter of King Jesus, and John 8:36 is one of her favorite verses: “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!”Show less
Jenn has been called to serve in various CBS roles for over 15 years and has seen first-hand how her life has been transformed through the study of God’s Word. She can often be heard sharing “This I know that God is for me.” Psalm 56:9.Show less
Ron and his wife, Ginny, live in Owasso, OK after spending most of their lives back East. Their three kids and their families (six grandchildren) have also moved to the Midwest, and they enjoy frequent family gatherings. Ron enjoys sailing, sailboat racing, and learning to drive his sports car as fast as he can on nearby race tracks.Show less
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