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Course Description

Duration: Six Sessions

Enrollment Fee: $10

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Course Overview

Colossians is a letter written to combat error in the church. Paul pointed the believers at Colossae to Jesus as the Head of His body, the church. Paul also told the Colossian believers that they had fullness in Christ. The questions in this course are thought provoking and challenging.

Meet the Teachers

Natalie has been married to her husband, Kerry, for 25 years and is a homeschool mom of three, one of which is now in college. She serves on her local church school board and enjoys spending time serving alongside her family in various ministries, especially to widows and the elderly. Natalie is an avid reader and likes baking, singing with her daughter, playing UNO with her son, counseling her college student, and running with her husband.

Natalie has served in Community Bible Study in various roles, most recently as a Teaching Director and Area Director in Alabama. CBS has been an integral part of the Word of God changing her life as she learned to study it. She is grateful to be a daughter of King Jesus, and John 8:36 is one of her favorite verses: “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!”Show less
After Holly graduated from Baylor University, she and her husband Sandy moved to Germany for a few years, sparking her passion for history and travel. After they returned, the family settled in Holly’s childhood hometown in central Arkansas. She worked part-time across three decades in journalism, management, research and development, and various education and healthcare non-profit organizations, while dedicating herself to raising her son and two daughters and caring for her mother through a long-time battle with Alzheimer’s Disease. Holly has been actively involved in Community Bible Study since 2001.

Holly now spends time ardently supporting Arkansas Razorback sports teams, relishing outdoor adventures with loved ones, and cherishing moments with her wonderful adult children. Holly’s greatest joys are being truly known by Jesus and telling others about His marvelous mercy. She says, “He’s my ‘one defense, my righteousness…oh, how I need Him every hour!’”Show less

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